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Alisa Baker


Alisa Baker

Advocate Location
Lawrence , KS 66049
Medical Guidance
Other Services
Special Care & Aging
TeleAdvocacy Available
Offers FREE Initial Consultation
Call Advocate Email Advocate
*Greater National Advocates Terms of Use Apply
How I Can Help
If you have questions about your care, like "Where did this diagnosis come from?"..."Why was this change made to my medication regimen" or "Why doesn’t any of this make any sense to me?" I will help you through this. I will provide and share my invaluable knowledge that has taken well over 20 years to acquire. I will answer every question honestly and concisely.

My purpose is to fight the good fight and help those in need. I can be a resource if you need or an advocate during the rush and confusion of a sudden medical need.

To assist with understanding what exactly is going on with your situation. To identify and explain red flags you need to be aware of. To keep practitioners accountable and slow the bouncing around which is often done to take responsibility off of the provider when many times the provider remains appropriate for the issue at hand. Obviously different providers specialize in different areas and collaboration between the providers would be the most appropriate action to take. But it is all too often that this practice does not take place and the meeting of two brilliant minds either doesn’t occur or is very delayed. The approach for overall good quality care is key. I will provide you the tools so you can not only identify but address any concerns in a timely manner and to the correct provider.
Important Information About Me
  • I offer a FREE Initial Consultation
  • I offer TeleAdvocacy Service
  • My geographical area of practice is Nationwide with no restrictions; I can work remotely
Why I Became A Professional Health Care Advocate
Half of my lifetime has been dedicated towards the medical field and equality. Dedicated to speaking for those without a voice, advocating for those who deserve better and often times don’t even know it! I will advocate for any one person in need with a free consultation, and will review each case on a personalized/ individual basis. As long as I am able to maintain the work that pays my bills and time with my family, I will assist without fee. If a case becomes increasingly time consuming that would obviously be something we would need to address at that time. I do this because I want to help others in need of help. There is no ulterior motive.. I am a nurse, I want to help bring in light.

Patient testimonials: Springfield Missouri- 2019 I was diagnosed with various mental illnesses when I was 16. I'm now 40. I've been hospitalized for mental health purposes over 100 times. So I have dealt with many nurses, and hospital staff through the last 24 years. In 2019 I was hospitalized for complex PTSD with depersonalization and derealization. I had a huge memory block fall apart, and memories of events not suitable to be spoken of publically had inundated me. I met Miss Baker in the hospital. She was a traveling nurse and had come to my impoverished area to help us. She was instrumental in my healing. The personal care she provided me, hours talking to me about a dark past that haunted me, and her evident faith helped me more than I can repay. In all the years I have been in the system I have quite literally NEVER had another person help me more than she did. She saved my life, and consequently has become a dear friend of the highest caliber. Give her a chance please to help you as well. She will exceed your every expectation for compassionate, empathetic, determined care. She will advocate for you as she did for me, and you won't regret the decision

Sebastapol California~2021 My brother Chris and l acknowledge in testimony, our profound respect and gratitude for the exceptional life saving care and advocacy performed while on assignment this past July. Alisa Baker truly demonstrated her integral professionalism, sincere dedication, exceptional due diligence caring for our Mom, as traveling home health nurse this summer. If there is any desire to hear some situations that I have seen or currently involved. You can read about them on this site. Obviously any ability to identify anyone is impossible through whatever means needed to tell the story correctly.
Contact Advocate
Formal Education
Registered Nurse
Specialties travel nursing since the beginning of the pandemic.
advanced wound care, office nurse, long term care, case management, Cardiac, hospice, home health, geriatric, rehab, psychiatric, long term/ short term addictions, psych care, med surg, training/ education. I have seen so much, so much unbelievable, inhumane, atrocities. I have also seen humanities best of qualities.
My purpose and gift is to assist another who need assistance being heard, and to help them understand and heal through what knowledge I possess. To assist others with the ability to articulate their questions or concerns in a manner that physicians and other providers will hear and understand. I can bridge communication gaps between providers and specialists, I can help you better understand the system and strategies in which will assist one in navigating it. I can help another while educating them ways in which they can use to have a better understanding of what roles each individual is in and how to connect specialist in the event you or a loved one fall through the cracks. If you feel as though you are not being heard or understood, chances are you are not being heard or understood. I can assist in methods that will greatly improve the communication that is lacking. We all know lacking communication creates confusion, but communicating takes time. And nobody has any time! Well then we have errors... my gift is to provide what I have learned over the years and strategies that have proven effective in managing you or your loved one’s medical care.
Faith Experience
  • Catholicism
  • Christianity
  • Protestantism
  • Islamism/Muslim
  • Buddhism
  • Hinduism
  • Judaism
  • Atheism
Additional Skills
I am a life learner constantly seeking answers and finding time to absorb new information. I am very interested in behavioral health and have been merging my specialty with home health and hospice. I will travel for any reason and talk to any person in efforts to understand and see what they see. It’s the best way I have learned about the most important things in life so far. I have recently moved into psychiatric care for our pediatric population and have found advocacy to be of equal necessity for our children. There is no lack of patients needing and benefiting from having an advocate that is not employed through the institution where the care is being received.
Professional Affiliations
Member of AKA, ANA, the patient safety movement. AMA (American medical association), CMSA (case mgmt society America) APHA (American public health association) Kansas advocates for better care