Aimee Stoopler

Vital Care Partners

Aimee Stoopler

Vital Care Partners
Advocate Location
New York , NY 10022
Special Care & Aging
Offers FREE Initial Consultation
TeleAdvocacy Not Offered
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*Greater National Advocates Terms of Use Apply
How I Can Help
Being faced with Health Issues can be daunting, but navigating your program can be even more difficult. I am there to ease the stress and anxiety that often accompanies these tasks. Coordination of care, and meeting the everyday needs of my client is my priority. Breaking down medical jargon, medication coordination and meeting care goals are only some of the targeted care I will provide.

Services include care coordination, insurance navigation, elder-care, appointment chaperoning and providing comprehensive support for pain management and chronic pain relief. Giving each patient a voice to get the best care possible allowing time to be spent to heal.kjk
Important Information About Me
  • I offer a FREE Initial Consultation
  • I am insured
  • My geographical area of practice is Manhattan Tri State Area
Why I Became A Professional Health Care Advocate
I have always had the passion to work with people and most especially the elderly. I have spent many hours volunteering in Assisted Living and Nursing Homes and have found that communicating and helping elderly care patients enlights a flame of passion in my heart. However, it was not until my husband and I were faced with a health crisis for my 26 year old daughter, did I start my path to becoming a Certified Patient Advocate. A routine spinal fusion at one of our top NYC Orthopedic Hospitals left my daughter with a Mercer and Enterococcous infection. What followed was a two year odyssey of repeated trip to the ER, operations and prolonged hospital stays. We faced gaps of communication between specialist, timing of procedure snafus, medical error and complete lapses in judgment. While we made the hospital our second home, I could not help but notice so many patients alone in their rooms with no voice of their own. The debacles we faced were endless, and we were PRESENT. I knew that once things settled down, I had to help people that needed a voice, needed navigation, and needed coordination of care.

Becoming a patient advocate was the natural outcome of helping my own daughter navigate the complexity of the health care system after she acquired a hospital acquired infection following a spinal fusion surgery. What followed was a a two year health crisis that included nine life saving surgeries, the involvement and communication of several specialists, episodes of sheer frustration, exhaustion and anger. Realizing that a trusted, independent advisor could make all the difference in patient comfort and care options, I proceeded to train at University of Miami and earn my patient advocate certificate.
Contact Advocate
Formal Education
University Of Maryland, B.A. Behavioral and Social Sciences, 1986
University of Miami Patient Advocacy Program, Certificate
Additional Skills
I am warm and receptive but strong and able to get things done. I have a very strong background in spinal degeneration as a life time sufferer of spondylothesis and spondylosis. Wearing a Boston Brace as a child I have recently had my third spinal fusion. I am versed in all types of epidural procedures, and many orthopedic procedures. My strength is communication and ability to figure out the overall picture. I was recently fortunate to care for an ALS patient in his last year. Getting him the best care, keeping him comfortable and feeling safe was our priority. Advocating on his behalf was a gift that was priceless and seeing him smile was the best reward I could have ever received.

Elder Care services
Comprehensive Spine Support
Chronic pain/athritis Support
Pain management
General navigation and care coordination services
Professional Affiliations
The Alliance of Professional Health Advocates
National Association of Healthcare Advocacy Consultants
Proud Member of the Patient Advocate Certification Board
Greater National Advocates
Great Neck Atria Assisted Living, Long Island
White Oak Rehabilitation and Nursing Home, Woodbury Long Island