Bonnie Brown

Board-Certified Patient Advocate & CellCore Biosciences Practitioner
A Better Life - Health & Wellness

Bonnie Brown

Board-Certified Patient Advocate & CellCore Biosciences Practitioner
A Better Life - Health & Wellness
Advocate Location
St. Petersburg , FL 33702
Survivor Support
Other Services
Medical Guidance
TeleAdvocacy Available
Offers FREE Initial Consultation
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*Greater National Advocates Terms of Use Apply
How I Can Help
I offer comprehensive support for those struggling with mold illness, autoimmune conditions, and complex chronic illnesses. My services are designed to guide you through the overwhelming process of diagnosis, treatment, and recovery:

How I Can Help:

1. Uncover the Root Cause: I'll help you identify the toxins and chemicals affecting your health through specialized functional lab testing and assessment.

2. Personalized Detoxification Planning: Together, we'll create a tailored detox protocol to safely and effectively remove harmful toxins from your body.

3. Healthcare System Navigation: I'll guide you through the complex medical landscape, helping you find the right specialists, understand your treatment options, and make informed decisions.

4. Mold Exposure Action Plan: If mold is a concern, I'll assist you in finding qualified inspectors and remediators, and help you make decisions about your living or working environment.

5. Simplified Medical Organization: My Award-Winning Medical Organization System will help you manage your medical affairs and stay on top of your health journey.

6. Ongoing Support and Education: Through one-on-one coaching and educational resources, I'll empower you to become your own best advocate.

My goal is to provide you with a clear, step-by-step path forward, eliminating confusion and overwhelm. Let's work together to reclaim your health and improve your quality of life.
Important Information About Me
  • I offer a FREE Initial Consultation
  • I offer TeleAdvocacy Service
  • My geographical area of practice is Worldwide - Virtual Online Practice
My Survivor Support Advocacy Qualifications
I am a survivor of Mold Illness (CIRS Disease), Complex Chronic Illness, Autoimmune Disease, Lyme Disease, Epstein Barr Virus, Cytomegalovirus, MCAS, MCS & Mystery Illnesses.
I have been trained and/or certified as a peer mentor.
As a Board-Certified Patient Advocate and CellCore Biosciences Practitioner, I've walked the difficult path you're on and emerged stronger on the other side. My journey through Mold Illness (CIRS Disease), Complex Chronic Illness, Autoimmune Disease, Lyme Disease, and various mystery illnesses has given me a unique perspective that textbooks can't teach. I've faced the frustration of misdiagnosis, the overwhelm of conflicting information, and the despair of treatments that promise much, but deliver oh so little.

My extensive training and certifications aren't just credentials – they're a testament to my commitment to guide others through the maze of complex chronic illness. I've dedicated years to mastering both Healthcare Navigation & Detoxification, creating a powerful combination that addresses not just your symptoms, but the ‘root cause’ of your health challenges. So, whether you're struggling with the complexities of the healthcare system or feeling lost in your detox journey, I have the tools and experience to light the way.

What sets me apart is my comprehensive approach to wellness. I don't just focus on managing symptoms; I help you uncover and address the hidden toxins & chemicals that may be at the core of your health issues. My expertise as a CellCore Biosciences Practitioner, combined with my patient advocacy skills, allows me to create personalized strategies to simplify your road to wellness. I understand the intricate dance between environmental factors, genetic predispositions, and chronic conditions – and I can help you navigate this complex landscape for yourself and those you’re caring for.

So, if you're feeling lost, overwhelmed, or frustrated with your current health situation, know that you're not alone. I've been where you are, and I've found my way out. Let's work together to unlock your body's innate healing potential, navigate the healthcare system with confidence, capability, and control, and create a personalized roadmap to follow to reach your ultimate health. With my guidance, you can transform from a survivor to a thriver, reclaiming the vibrant, energetic life that you so deserve. Reach out today, and let's take the first step towards your healthier future.
As a Board-Certified Patient Advocate and CellCore Biosciences Practitioner, I'm uniquely positioned to address the complex challenges you're facing in your wellness journey. My approach combines expert healthcare navigation with advanced detoxification strategies, offering a comprehensive solution to chronic health issues.

Here's how I can help transform your health:

1. Resolve Chronic Health Issues: I'll work with you to uncover the root causes of your persistent symptoms, developing a personalized plan that goes beyond simply managing symptoms.

2. Eliminate Confusion and Misdiagnosis: My expertise in both traditional and functional medicine allows me to guide you toward accurate diagnoses and effective treatments, ending the cycle of frustration and uncertainty.

3. Alleviate Financial Strain: By focusing on targeted, effective solutions, we'll reduce unnecessary medical expenses and create a cost-effective path to wellness.

4. Provide Emotional Support: You'll no longer feel alone or misunderstood. I offer a supportive partnership throughout your health journey, validating your experiences and concerns.

5. Improve Daily Functioning: My comprehensive approach aims to boost your energy and vitality, allowing you to fully engage in daily activities and rediscover joy in life.

Through our work together, you'll transform into an empowered self-advocate who’s confident, capable, an in control, equipped with the knowledge and tools you need to reach your ultimate health. You'll become skilled at navigating the healthcare system, making informed decisions, and addressing the root causes of your health issues.

To jumpstart your journey, I offer:

• A FREE Health Assessment to identify key areas of concern.

• A FREE PDF Report summarizing your results.

• A FREE Consultation to map out your personalized health strategy.

• 15% off CellCore Biosciences products to support your detox journey.

Whether through our 1-to-1 Consultations, Detox Accelerator Package, Online Courses, Guided Detox Coaching, VIP Coaching, or Monthly Membership program, I'm here to provide the level of support you need to achieve lasting wellness.

Remember, getting healthy doesn't have to be a struggle. Let's work together to make your journey to optimal health straightforward and achievable. Your vibrant, fulfilling life is waiting – let's start reclaiming it today.



Getting healthy doesn't have to be so difficult. Let me help you make it easy.

Here’s to your good health!

Bonnie K. Brown
Why I Became A Professional Health Care Advocate
Imagine waking up each day feeling trapped in your own body, exhausted and in pain, with no clear path to wellness. That was my reality for over 40 years as I battled mysterious chronic illnesses that left even the most respected doctors baffled. I endured 17 major surgeries (most unnecessary), spent over $400,000 out-of-pocket, and accumulated more than $2 million in medical claims. Despite my best efforts, I found myself caught in an endless cycle of ineffective treatments and mounting frustration.

But I refused to give up.

My journey through Mold Illness (CIRS Disease), Complex Chronic Illness, Autoimmune Disease, Lyme Disease, and various mystery illnesses became my greatest teacher. It showed me firsthand the gaps in our healthcare system and the critical need for patient advocacy and a more compehensive approach to wellness.

Through relentless research and perseverance, I discovered that my conditions were not only common but treatable. This revelation became the catalyst for my transformation from a struggling patient to a Board-Certified Patient Advocate and CellCore Biosciences Practitioner.

Today, I dedicate my life to guiding others through the maze of chronic illness.

My unique blend of healthcare navigation skills and detoxification expertise allows me to offer a comprehensive approach that addresses both the medical complexities and the environmental factors often overlooked in traditional healthcare.

I understand the overwhelming feeling of not knowing where to start, the frustration of being dismissed by healthcare professionals, and the despair of treatments that promise much but deliver so little. That's why I've developed a step-by-step system to help you uncover the root causes of your illness, create personalized detoxification plans, and navigate the healthcare system with confidence, capability & control.

Whether you're dealing with mold exposure, autoimmune conditions, or unexplained chronic symptoms, I'm here to light the way. Together, we'll cut through the confusion, address the hidden toxins affecting your health, and create a clear path to wellness.

My journey has taught me that reclaiming your health is not only possible – it's probable - with the right guidance and expertise. Let's work together to unlock your body's innate healing potential and transform you from a survivor to a thriver.

Your vibrant, energetic life is waiting. Reach out today, and let's take the first step towards your healthier future.
Contact Advocate
Formal Education
Fairleigh Dickinson University, MA, Human Development, 1986
Stockton State College, BS, Business Management, 1984
Ocean County College, AA, Psychology, 1980

** Graduated FDU with honors: Summa Cum Laude, 4.0 GPA **
Faith Experience
  • Christianity
Additional Skills
1. Dual Expertise: As both a Board-Certified Patient Advocate and CellCore Biosciences Practitioner, I offer a rare combination of both Healthcare Navigation & Detoxification knowledge & skills. This dual expertise allows me to address both the medical and environmental aspects of chronic illness.

2. Firsthand Experience: My personal 40-year journey through chronic illness equips me with special insights and empathy that go far beyond any textbook knowledge. I've walked in your shoes before and understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll of ongoing health struggles.

3. Comprehensive Approach: My unique "Healthcare Navigation & Detoxification" framework addresses not just symptoms, but the root causes of illness. This comprehensive method combines traditional medical approaches with cutting-edge detoxification protocols.

4. Mold and Environmental Illness Specialist: With extensive experience in mold-related illnesses and environmental sensitivities, I offer specialized guidance in an often overlooked area of health.

5. Simplification Expert: I excel at breaking down complex medical information and treatment plans into manageable, easy-to-understand steps. My 5-Step Simplifying Healthcare System is designed to streamline your wellness journey.

6. Resource Network: Over the years, I've cultivated a robust network of healthcare professionals, specialists, and alternative practitioners. I can connect you with the right resources for your specific needs.

7. Innovative Tools: My AARP Award-Winning Medical Organizing System and custom-designed medical forms and trackers help you stay organized and proactive in your health management.

8. Continuous Learning: I stay abreast of the latest research and developments in chronic illness, detoxification, and patient advocacy, ensuring you receive the most up-to-date guidance.

9. Empowerment Focus: My goal is not just to guide you, but to empower you with the knowledge and skills to become your own best advocate.

10. Compassionate Communication: I bridge the gap between patients and healthcare providers, ensuring your voice is heard and your concerns are addressed effectively.

These unique attributes enable me to offer you a comprehensive, personalized approach to overcoming chronic illness and reclaiming your health.
Professional Affiliations
CellCore Biosciences - ECO Practitioner Training - 2019 - 2024
CellCore Biosciences - Muscle Testing, 2021 & 2023
AARP Caregiver Accelerator, Judges Choice Winner, 2016
The Wealth Preservation Institute, Certified Medicaid Planner, 2014
Life Coach Institute of Orange County, Certified Life Coach, 2012