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Candice Bond

Allen Bond Advocacy and Consulting

Candice Bond

Allen Bond Advocacy and Consulting
Advocate Location
Lake Mary , FL 32746
Medical Guidance
Other Services
Wellness & Lifestyle
TeleAdvocacy Available
Offers FREE Initial Consultation
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*Greater National Advocates Terms of Use Apply
How I Can Help
As a dedicated patient advocate, my mission is to ensure that every voice is heard and every concern is addressed, especially in the complex maze of healthcare. I serve as a compassionate intermediary between patients and healthcare providers, striving to enhance communication and understanding. My role extends beyond mere facilitation; I am a steadfast ally to those under my care, ensuring they are not only heard but truly understood, both in their medical needs and their emotional journeys.

Supporting patients during doctor visits, whether I am physically present or preparing them in advance, is a cornerstone of my advocacy. This preparation helps patients articulate their concerns, ask the right questions, and fully comprehend the medical information and options available to them. For families facing the heart-wrenching challenges of end-of-life decisions, I offer informed, sensitive guidance that honors the patient’s wishes, providing a semblance of peace amidst the turmoil.

Beyond the immediate medical concerns, my advocacy extends to the overall well-being of individuals. With years of experience in nutritional counseling, I empower patients to adopt healthier lifestyles, tailored to their unique needs—whether they be vegan, vegetarian, or meat-based diets. My approach is holistic, encouraging a love and acceptance of oneself at any stage of life. This philosophy helps individuals foster a relationship with their bodies that promotes health and vitality.

In all aspects of my work, I am more than an advocate; I am a partner in each patient’s journey toward healing and understanding, ensuring that every individual I work with feels valued, respected, and above all, loved in their most vulnerable moments. Through this work, I strive to transform the healthcare experience into one of empathy, support, and proactive engagement.
Important Information About Me
  • I offer a FREE Initial Consultation
  • I offer TeleAdvocacy Service
  • My geographical area of practice is North Orlando
Why I Became A Professional Health Care Advocate
On a sweltering Fourth of July afternoon in 2007, I took my son to the cool refuge of a McDonald's indoor playground, unaware that my life was about to change drastically. The day was marked by a piercing pain in my neck, so severe it felt as though I'd been struck by a bat. The following morning, I awoke engulfed in pain, my body aching and an overwhelming fatigue that no amount of sleep could shake. Night brought no relief; pain became my captor, denying me the sanctuary of rest and morning greeted me with the same relentless exhaustion.

In the weeks that followed, I consulted numerous doctors, but none could pinpoint the source of my agony. As a nurse, I watched helplessly as my career slipped through my fingers. Eventually, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia—a term then often used to dismiss unexplained pain as a psychological issue. Desperate for relief, I turned to natural remedies, naturopathic doctors, and wellness centers. I changed my diet, embraced juicing, and swallowed countless bitter tonics. Temporary relief would come, but the flare-ups were unpredictable and ruthless.

Frustrated by the lack of lasting results and dwindling savings, I felt compelled to return to conventional medicine—the only option supported by my insurance. I was finally diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. Yet, each hospital visit only deepened my despair. Misunderstood by my colleagues in the medical profession, I was disheartened by their careless words and the absence of any supportive case management. They assumed that as a nurse, I could manage on my own, but my body refused to cooperate with my will.

Salvation came unexpectedly from a team of doctors in Jamaica. They listened—truly listened. Under their care, I finally saw a glimmer of hope. This experience ignited a question within me: How do patients without medical knowledge navigate this broken system? The journey through my own illness, coupled with what I learned from naturopathy and functional medicine, had equipped me with invaluable knowledge, which I shared with friends and family.

Determined to make a broader impact, I pursued board certification as a patient advocate. I studied diligently, passed the boards, and embraced this new role wholeheartedly. My experiences as a patient taught me the critical need for advocacy—a right that everyone deserves, a champion for those who feel unheard and misunderstood.

Driven by a desire to transform healthcare from within, I decided to become a nurse educator. My mission is simple yet profound: to cultivate compassionate, thoughtful nurses who not only advocate for their patients but also recognize when to call in additional support. Through education and advocacy, I am committed to changing the landscape of nursing, ensuring that no patient has to endure what I did. I want to be the champion that I needed during my darkest days—a beacon of hope and a voice for the voiceless.
Contact Advocate
Formal Education
Andrews University, BSc. in Nursing (August, 1999)
Western Governors University, Master's of Science in Nursing Education (August, 2024)
Faith Experience
  • Christianity
Professional Affiliations
Board Certified Patient Advocate (BCPA) since 2020
Black BCPA's
Basic Life Support (BLS) Certification
Florida Patient Advocates
Registered Nurse