D J Colbert


D J Colbert

Advocate Location
Petaluma , CA 94953
Special Care & Aging
Other Services
Medical Guidance
TeleAdvocacy Available
Offers FREE Initial Consultation
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*Greater National Advocates Terms of Use Apply
How I Can Help
I specialize in helping families navigate as life's circumstances change, either because of dementia, physical changes, financial, all manner of life showing up. I tend to specialize in complicated needs and love to assist in finding the resources available depending on financial and family capacity. I hope to alleviate some of the terror so we can get to the best possible solutions together. When we get to this part of life, there are many times when things feel uncertain and frightening and I hope to make that less frightening and definitely let you know you are not alone.
Important Information About Me
  • I offer a FREE Initial Consultation
  • I offer TeleAdvocacy Service
  • I am insured
  • My geographical area of practice is Sonoma County, Napa County, Marin County, Solano County, San Francisco, California
Why I Became A Professional Health Care Advocate
I became an Ombudsman after taking care of my grandfather from stroke to hospital, to rehab to Assisted Living to hospital, to skilled nursing to end of life. Finding how many people don't have someone watching over them, I saw a huge need. My grandpa was okay because he had me, many people didn't have someone on their side and were neglected. I am advocating for people to have the safest, kindest way forward to end of life. Hopefully for years. I have navigated my family through my parents' illness and deaths. Many times I have helped friends through their end of life experiences while supporting them and their families. The greatest gift is being present, listening.
Contact Advocate
Formal Education
Sonoma State University, Healthcare Navigation Certificate 2015
Faith Experience
  • Catholicism
  • Christianity
  • Buddhism
  • Judaism
  • Atheism
Additional Skills
I have the ability to meet people and families where they are at with compassion, empathy. I can support your values and beliefs and hope to support you in the best possible outcome regardless of our possible differences. I focus on our similarities. We love our people, we get scared when things change suddenly or profoundly, and it's helpful to have someone who can help navigate this new, complicated, sometimes scary, time in life who has experience.
Professional Affiliations
Ombudsman Training in Marin County, California
Sonoma State University with Healthcare Navigation Certification
Board Certified Patient Advocate
Certified Dementia Practitioner