Jacqueline Newel

AthenaMedica and AthenaPetica

Jacqueline Newel

AthenaMedica and AthenaPetica
Advocate Location
Richardson , TX 75080
Medical Guidance
Other Services
Wellness & Lifestyle
TeleAdvocacy Available
Paid Consultations Only
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*Greater National Advocates Terms of Use Apply
How I Can Help
The current medical system is not set up for successful patient outcomes. It isn’t fair, it’s confusing, intimidating, and it’s difficult to find anyone who will listen to your concerns with empathy and explain exactly what is going on and what is being done about it. It sucks. But it doesn’t have to, if you have me as your guide. I am empathetic and kind, and I care about you. But do not mistake this for weakness as I am a unique and powerful force unlike anyone else. I am phenomenal at what I do.

I am a trained physician who understands everything that is going on because I have cared for patients in both inpatient and outpatient settings for years. I have expert knowledge in the diagnosis and management of multitudinous disease states. I can read and interpret medical notes, labs, imaging, pathology reports, and I understand what is being done versus what should be done. I know surgeries and procedures. I am a pharmacologist so I understand medication indications and mechanisms, and contraindications. I can explain all of this to you in any way you want and at the depth you wish to understand.

I can communicate with your providers to figure out what they’re doing and why, and compare it to best practices. I am ever vigilant when it comes to medical error and I am not afraid to confront anyone if I believe you are not receiving the best care or if something seems suspicious. I will keep all your medical records organized and summarized for you. If you’re in my area, I can accompany you to appointments and keep an eye on you at the hospital. If we work together online we can met before and after appointments so I can prep you and then debrief you. I can accompany you virtually on your cell phone or other device if you would like.

I am a trained scientist that interprets preclinical and clinical research with ease, dig deep, and I can comprehend medicine at a level that no regular physician can.

I also know and interpret medical law well, and know where to look if I don’t immediately have an answer.

I essentially have you covered from multiple angles, and “I can’t figure this out” is nonexistent in my vocabulary. I am an investigator, a critical thinker, a problem solver. I am accustomed to finding a way around obstacles and I am tenacious. And most of all, I do it because I CARE.
Important Information About Me
  • I offer TeleAdvocacy Service
  • My geographical area of practice is Richardson, TX
Why I Became A Professional Health Care Advocate
I am sick of a broken system owned by pharma and manned by physicians who only know how to deal drugs.

I have been asked to cover up medical negligence as a provider. As a patient, I have been prescribed medication I am deathly allergic to (stated in my medical record) and have caught other medical errors, and without my training I wouldn't have known to say something. I notice how medical exams have become sloppier and how providers do not have the time nor make an attempt to explain anything and patients are afraid to ask. Empathy in medicine feels scarce.

I hear more and more horror stories from friends and colleagues, detailing their own or a loved one’s experiences in a doctor’s office or hospital, and in my professional opinion most patient care now borders on negligence. I realized that I too took the Hippocratic oath, and it is my responsibility to do something. I won’t go back to this system as a practitioner, but I can and will use my knowledge and training to ensure patients receive the health care they deserve. Even more, I want to teach you skills to advocate for yourself.
Address Line 2 (if applicable)
Contact Advocate
Formal Education
-Loma Linda University School of Medicine, M.D. Doctor of Medicine
-Post-sophomore fellowship in pathology, Loma Linda University School of Medicine
-Resident Physician Penrose St. Francis Hospital
-Psychiatric provider, Compass, CO Springs CO
-University of Texas at Dallas School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences, M.S. Neuroscience
-Senior Electrophysiologist and Associate Researcher, Neuropharmacology. Synaptic Plasticity and Cellular Mechanisms of Addiction, Pain, and Migraine.
Additional Skills
I have 10+ years of experience in a broad area of common and rare disease states as well as complex systemic diseases. I have expertise in most areas, but have trained the most in internal medicine, oncology, hematology/hematological malignancies, and psychiatry. I also have training in forensics.
Professional Affiliations
Professional Memberships:
-American Medical Association
-American Association for the Advancement of Science
-National Leaderology Association
-Society for Competitive Business Intelligence
-Society for Neuroscience
-International Association for the Study of Pain
-American Medical Writer's Association

-Good Practice Principles ICH/GCP from NIDA -Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research from the NIH
- Introduction to FDA Human Drug Review and Approval Basics from the FDA
- Health Economics Outcome Research Basics from Abbott Nutritional Institute.

-Freelance medical writer, scientific communications, and medical legal consultant. Www.askdrjacci.com.

Volunteer mentor to undergraduates and scientific professionals, host a free professional development group weekly and lead a medical writers group.