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Aimee Cloutier

Healthy Hooha

Aimee Cloutier

Healthy Hooha
Advocate Location
Minneapolis , MN 55455
Medical Guidance
Other Services
Wellness & Lifestyle
TeleAdvocacy Available
Offers FREE Initial Consultation
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*Greater National Advocates Terms of Use Apply
How I Can Help
With over a decade of experience as a vulvovaginal and female sexual health Patient Advocate, I've been educating and assisting patients for over five years. I'm a member of the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH) and serve on multiple committees, including chairing one. I created Healthy Hooha, a trusted digital resource for evidence-based information on vulvovaginal and sexual health, and I'm passionate about researching complex health issues and making this knowledge accessible. I offer in-depth, unbiased information to help patients make informed decisions, connect them with knowledgeable medical professionals, and bridge communication gaps. My personal experience and dedication drive me to improve women's health and address common disparities.
Important Information About Me
  • I offer a FREE Initial Consultation
  • I offer TeleAdvocacy Service
  • My geographical area of practice is Global
Why I Became A Professional Health Care Advocate
I've personally faced many women's health issues during a time when there were few answers or research available. I encountered dismissive responses like "this is normal" or "you're too young." However, I persisted, fought for proper care, and eventually found the help I needed.

Throughout this journey, I took it upon myself to educate myself extensively about vulvovaginal, women's sexual, and pelvic health. Now, I'm driven to utilize my knowledge and network of sexual medicine healthcare providers to ensure others receive the care they need without the lengthy struggles I faced. My goal is to contribute to a world where no one else has to endure similar challenges, one person at a time.
Contact Advocate
Formal Education
Associates of Applied Science degree
Professional Affiliations
I have been a member of the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health organization since 2019 as a Patient Advocate and serve on multiple ISSWSH committees, as well as a committee Chair, and have presented at sexual health conferences, to student health organizations, and been a guest on sexual health podcasts.

I volunteer in multiple patient support groups on social media platforms where I help educate and empower people looking for help with a sexual/genital/pelvic or hormonal health problem and would like to expand my assistance.