Jennifer Bierhup

Libellen Patient advocates

Jennifer Bierhup

Libellen Patient advocates
Advocate Location
Luckey , OH 43443
Medical Guidance
Other Services
Insurance & Billing
TeleAdvocacy Not Offered
Paid Consultations Only
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*Greater National Advocates Terms of Use Apply
How I Can Help
Care coordination for adult children of aging parents: I firmly believe that no patient or caregiver should ever feel alone, overwhelmed, or scared. We empower our clients and caregivers with the tools to become their own health advocates.
Services include:

• Medical communication between PCP and specialists
• Attendance and transportation to all doctor appointments
• Medication assessment for issues such as polypharmacy and drug interactions
• Disease management education for informed decision making
• Medical profile document creation to improve safety and reduce risk of error
• Care coordination and management of skilled services
• RN Patient advocate availability for in-patient hospitalizations
• DME (Durable medical equipment) coordination
• Assistance in choosing skilled nursing care, home health care, Independent or Assisted living, or Hospice care

Medical support for those with complex health issues: Libellen patient advocates can navigate the health care system with you or on your behalf while you try to rest and heal. We are always in your corner, fighting to get you the best care options possible.
Services include:
• Detailed coordination and management with entire health care team
• Research of treatment options
• In-depth, holistic medical history timeline to gain further understanding of disease presence and progression
• Attendance at Doctor appointments
• Healthcare education and empowerment
• Assistance with obtaining second or even third opinions
• Assistance with understanding your medical insurance, how it works, what it covers, and getting the most from your coverage. Assistance with writing Letters of medical necessity if allowable.

Wound Care Patient Advocacy on behalf of Home Health Care. Limb salvage patient advocate
Important Information About Me
  • I am insured
  • My geographical area of practice is Ohio
Why I Became A Professional Health Care Advocate
Patient centered advocacy is the core of who I am as an RN. Throughout my nursing career- from ICU, through wound care case management, to hospital based care coordination- making sure that I inform, educate, and support my patients and family has always been my top priority. I firmly believe that if I empower my patients and their families with fundamentals such as education on disease process, expectations with medications and treatment options, my patients can feel like they are not just passive receivers of care. I strive to make my patients and their family active members of the healthcare team.
Contact Advocate
Formal Education
Owens State Community College, ADN, 2004
Professional Affiliations
Diplomate of the American Professional Wound Care Association
Wound Care Certified- National Alliance of Wound Care
Certified Case Manager-CCMC
Independent Registered Nurse Patient Advocate- iRNPA
Member, The National Exchange Club