Katie Zimmer
Zimmer Nurse Consulting, LLC
Katie Zimmer
Zimmer Nurse Consulting, LLC
Advocate Location
Madison , WI 53719
Medical Guidance
TeleAdvocacy Option Unknown
Consultation Fees Unknown
*Greater National Advocates Terms of Use Apply
How I Can Help
I am specialized in wound and ostomy care and also have experience with medical and surgical patients. I can provide medical guidance and a helping hand to patients who have trouble navigating the complex medical system on their own. I know what questions to ask, and what tests/procedures should be done. I can help review your records to guide you in getting the care you deserve.
Important Information About Me
- My geographical area of practice is Madison, Wisconsin
Why I Became A Professional Health Care Advocate
I am specialized in Wound and Ostomy care. While working in this specialty I have been introduced to a very vulnerable population of patients. I work with patients dealing with chronic wounds sometimes over months of time, and often I am the one directing their wound cares. This is especially true for ostomy patients, an ever-growing and underserved population of people that very few healthcare professionals are trained to assist. I advocate for my patients' needs to ensure they see the progress they deserve.
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