Lori Schellenberg

Stepping Stone Advocacy Services

Lori Schellenberg

Stepping Stone Advocacy Services
Advocate Location
Apollo Beach , FL 33572
Medical Guidance
Other Services
Special Care & Aging
TeleAdvocacy Available
Offers FREE Initial Consultation
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*Greater National Advocates Terms of Use Apply
How I Can Help
I have over 40 years of nursing experience and 20 years of nurse case management experience. I have "retired" to continue to serve patients, especially the elderly, and their families. I provide support through patient advocacy. This support includes navigating you through the health care delivery system and coordinating care for you (and /or family who may or may not live close by.) My goal is to meet your goals and your family's goals! Whether that is to attend medical appointments, make home visits, conduct monthly well checks, or coordinate to the next level of care. I establish an individualized plan of care and carry it out in a way that meets your needs. My experiences in acute care, home health, case management and rehabilitation liaison work brings a full circle of expertise to you and your loved one.
Important Information About Me
  • I offer a FREE Initial Consultation
  • I offer TeleAdvocacy Service
  • I am insured
  • My geographical area of practice is Tampa Bay region to Sarasota Florida, Maryland Mid-Atlantic region
Why I Became A Professional Health Care Advocate
ADVOCATE: From Latin advocare, to “add” a “voice”. To advocate is to add a voice to support a need or a cause. An advocate adds that voice by supporting or working toward a particular goal.

As I began my career as a Registered Nurse, I also began my journey as a Patient Advocate.
According to the American Nurses Association code of ethics, “the nurse promotes, advocates for, and protects the rights, health, and safety of the patient. The nurse makes decisions and takes action consistent with the obligation to provide optimal patient care.”

As I married and raised four children, I searched for opportunities to stay engaged in my career. I have consistently been creative and willing to step out of my comfort zone to challenge myself when those new opportunities arose. This led me from staff nurse, to home health nurse, to occupational health nurse, to worker’s compensation case manager, and to travel nurse as a rehabilitation liaison. Along the way, I also became a medical record clinical reviewer for a major hospital organization. With every opportunity I looked for ways to improve processes and the quality of the care that was being provided.

During this time, my parents retired and moved closer to me so they could play an active role in my children’s lives. My Mom had already had to have cardiac bypass surgery. At that time, I stepped up to provide her with support, communicate her care with my siblings and care for her post-operatively. I attended appointments to make sure she was getting appropriate care.

My Dad had many chronic health problems, including sleep apnea for which a trach was inserted; this was prior to CPAP. This cured his apnea but introduced infection after infection with multiple surgeries and complications. In addition, my Dad was placed on a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory for his arthritis. His kidneys were destroyed. He eventually went into kidney failure and had to start dialysis. He fought and we advocated for a kidney transplant, despite his age and comorbidities. He never gave up. I didn’t either! Along the way, we challenged the physicians, the facilities, and the care providers, to provide better or new evolving treatments. We called for team meetings and met with CEOs, Directors of Nursing and Patient Advocates. My Mom watched and learned to advocate for him and for herself. We have become quite the team!

My Dad passed away peacefully. We had advocated to transfer him to Hospice Care, and my family was able to be with him to share his last moments, together. Today, my Mom happily lives in a Continuous Care Community in Independent Living. I advocated for her to transition to this new community.

Even though I have retired from Nursing, I bring these experiences to help patients and their families navigate the complexities of our current health care system, as a Patient Advocate.
Contact Advocate
Formal Education
Washington Hospital School of Nursing 1981
Faith Experience
  • Catholicism
Additional Skills
Volunteer community educator to police force to identify potential alzheimer's patients in the community.

Clinical record reviewer for a managed care organization auditing to ensure patients meet requirements under Medicare for a skilled nursing facility stay.

Rehabilitation liaison for an Acute Rehabilitation Facility. Reviewed acute hospital medical records and met with patients and their families to assess if the patient met the criteria for transfer to an acute rehabilitation facility. Then assisted the patient and the case manager to facilitate the transfer if the patient met criteria.

Quality assurance reviewer. Medical records reviewer in a hospital setting, a home care setting, and as a case manager, to monitor that care was appropriate and timely. Was responsible for setting criteria for reviews. Followed up with training for staff to improve quality of care.
Professional Affiliations
Certified Nurse Case Manager
Member of Alliance Professional Patient Advocates
Member of Greater National Advocates