Sandra Trumble

urHealthcare Advocate

Sandra Trumble

urHealthcare Advocate
Advocate Location
Fort Collins , CO 80521
Insurance & Billing
Other Services
Medical Guidance
TeleAdvocacy Available
Offers FREE Initial Consultation
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*Greater National Advocates Terms of Use Apply
How I Can Help
As an advocate, I am passionate about supporting patients and families during a healthcare crisis. Navigating today’s dysfunctional healthcare system can be confusing, frustrating and emotionally draining. We help you cut through the chaos by providing various services from insurance enrollment to navigational and emotional support. Understanding billing and coding practices associated with healthcare provides us insight into finding errors. We work to save you time, money and provide peace of mind! If you do not see your particular issue as a service we provide. Just ask! We are happy to help.
Important Information About Me
  • I offer a FREE Initial Consultation
  • I offer TeleAdvocacy Service
  • My geographical area of practice is Northern Colorado
Why I Became A Professional Health Care Advocate
After many years of being a patient in a dysfunctional healthcare system, I wanted to know how and why these organizations lost the CARE in healthcare. Being bounced from doctors to other doctors and so on, I was so upset at the lack of consideration for what the system puts a patient through. Watching friends, family members and strangers become overwhelmed, confused and frustrated too, I realized it had nothing to do with experience or intelligence. This system isn't user friendly or efficient. ​I learned how to scrutinize, reduce and negotiate my medical bills. I became determined to understand and figure out why Healthcare lost the "CARE" and soon learned I needed to work inside the system.
I took mental notes all along the way, always wanting to understand the big picture and how each puzzle pieces fit together. Moving through the ranks, I ended up working side by side with doctors, nurses and other staff in emergency departments, primary care and specialty clinics. Learning as much about the systems as possible, I began to understand that it's not that these people that didn't care. It's the Insurance Companies and the Pharmaceutical Corporations, large systems of Managed Care and Lobbyists that make these systems dysfunctional.
All those the healthcare workers that I came into contact with were equally as frustrated as I was (and continue to be). I asked what must have seemed as like bizarre questions every chance I had. I decided I needed more information and earned a Master's in Healthcare Administration. Through this and continued efforts to un-complicate these institutions for others, I have found my calling!
I am honored by each and every person who allows me to work with them in this way.
Contact Advocate
Formal Education
University of Phoenix, Masters Healthcare Administration
Colorado State University, Human Development & Family Studies
Additional Skills
As a multi-tasking analytic thinker I have become a creative problem solver. I work efficiently and effectively in all my work along with great attention to detail. My philosophy to providing extraordinary customer service is about: caring, compassion, empathy, and respect towards all. Some of our services-
Medical / Navigational Advocacy
Insurance Related Advocacy
Mediation between Family Members as related to the Client's Healthcare Goals and Outcomes
Coordinate Communications between Providers
Medical Record Maintenance
Medication Tracking
End-of-Life Planning
Transitional Housing Placement
Research Healthcare Providers and Diagnoses
Represent You and your Loved One when Hospitalized
Professional Affiliations
Medical Billing & Coding Course completion
Board Certified Patient Advocate
Certified Professional Coder