Rachel Lee Davis

Rachel Lee Patient Advocacy & Unbounded Movement Intelligence
Rachel Lee

Rachel Lee Davis

Rachel Lee Patient Advocacy & Unbounded Movement Intelligence
Advocate Location
Indian Trail , NC 28079
Medical Guidance
Other Services
Survivor Support
TeleAdvocacy Available
Offers FREE Initial Consultation
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*Greater National Advocates Terms of Use Apply
How I Can Help
I specialize in helping you and your loved ones find, access, and communicate successfully with the medical providers and therapists you need. From traditional medical care to alternative approaches to treatment my goal is to walk with you in understanding your unique needs and desires, and help to make them happen. In addition to specializing in hypermobile spectrum disorders like Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, I also specialize in the many comorbidities including but not limited to: dysautonomia, mast cell activation, gastrointestinal issues, brain and spine complications, musculoskeletal dysfunctions, autoimmune conditions, headache, migraine, mental health needs, vision issues, movement dysfunctions, and more.

I'm also an outspoken community advocate for Autism awareness and neurodivergence in healthcare, education and life. It is always a deep honor to connect with those who are also divergent in ways that are natural to them, and help be with them when health needs take us a bit beyond the natural comfort zone.

It is hard in today's society to find someone who can genuinely sit with you and say "I see you." "I hear you." "I'm glad to be with you," no matter how you feel or what is going on. To say, "We can do something. Together." I've dedicated my life to be able to be that person and thrive in the joy of being with others in even the hardest places.
Important Information About Me
  • I offer a FREE Initial Consultation
  • I offer TeleAdvocacy Service
  • My geographical area of practice is United States, some international support services (need based)
My Survivor Support Advocacy Qualifications
I am a survivor of Hypermobile EDS (hEDS), Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome (MALS), Tethered Cord (OTC), Sexual Abuse Survivor, Narcissism Survivor
Connective tissue disorders are their own incredibly unique category that can affect so many other systems of the body, and so many systems of life. The expressions of struggle our bodies take may start in the same place but can branch out in challenging and painful ways. We also know that these, and other co-conditions like POTS, MCAS, MALS and OTC and other spine issues, are all progressed and aggravated by mental/emotional stress and abuse. My unique story includes being a sexual abuse and narcissism abuse survivor as a child. Since that time it's been my privilege to be present with others who are suffering from anti-social behaviors in their loved ones, spouses or parents. It is also one of my deepest desires to be with those who are concerned that a child may share any or all of these experiences and be a partner for you in navigating what it means to give them more than just surviving.
Why I Became A Professional Health Care Advocate
I am a patient myself. Myself, my children, and many family members are proud recipients of the hypermobile spectrum achievement award for excellence. We believe in thriving, not just surviving. I became an advocate on the path to finding stability in our lives. My background in education, research and movement arts all became pivotally relevant to that process in ways I never could have imagined. And I'm just as passionate about walking with my clients through the difficult and painful steps of this journey as I am creating breakthrough moments and connections to give trust, hope and courage along the way. Here's what I learned as a patient that compelled me to become an advocate:

Stability isn't always the absence of symptoms. Stability is knowing what to do to manage those symptoms when they occur. To trust yourself to know what to do. To have hope in the moment that you are creating a good way forward and not lose what you love (even if it looks a bit different than it did before). And courage to care for oneself, to give yourself permission to try, to heal, to rest, to feel confident in the medical office or ER when that doctor says, "What brings you in today?" And most of all, to let others help without shame. That's the kind of help I needed and that I love to give my kids every single day so that they KNOW their own bodies but are not drowned by that knowledge.
Contact Advocate
Formal Education
MART, Mc-eD FMI Teacher, BFL-T
Faith Experience
  • Catholicism
  • Christianity
  • Protestantism
  • Islamism/Muslim
  • Buddhism
  • Hinduism
  • Judaism
  • Atheism
Additional Skills
I am autistic, one of a family of four very neurospicy individuals. I love helping my neurodivergent clients find connection that fits who they are, and tools to help them forward.

My background is in elementary education and reading exceptionalities, and cognitive, nonverbal linguistics. All that to say, teaching is in all of my twitchy mast cells and they love a good challenge.

One of the most important components to stability is awakening to the need to grieve and then, even more challenging, to be able to create the space for grief. That dance leads us through many thoughts, memories and emotions that are not only scary to share with others but we soon find that very few people have nurtured the capacity to grieve with someone else. I also learned this the hard way when seeking support for past trauma and several painful miscarriages. I've come to believe that grieving as community should not be a niche skill but a common one. I hope to embody that with any client, whenever they have need.

One of the best aspects I can bring to our work is movement intelligence. From my background and professional dance and dance education, I've pursued certification in body movement techniques that have a profound impact on neurological repatterning of the musculoskeletal system. All those very complicated words come down to a very simple fact: the body communicates. And there is truly no way to explain the impact of this kind of work without experiencing it. It's simply makes things come into balance from one joint to the other, from this ligament to that muscle, expanding your mobility, solidifying your balance, repairing dysfunctional movement patterns, and bringing a sense of peace to your walk.
Professional Affiliations
Solutions(R) via Foundation for Movement Intelligence, continuing education certificates in developmental delays, food and health, musculoskeletal system, EDS ECHO conferences and annual Summit.