How to Start and Grow a Lucrative Patient Advocacy Business From Scratch

How to Start and Grow a Lucrative Patient Advocacy Business From Scratch
| by GNA Admin

Are you a healthcare professional who is tired of feeling burned out?

You're not alone. Many healthcare workers are feeling the pressure these days. But what if there was another way? What if you could start your own business and work from home?

Many medical professionals are looking for new ways to use their skills and clinical knowledge. That's why starting your own independent patient advocate business may be the perfect solution.

Read more here: What is a patient advocate

But there's no sugar-coating it. Starting your own business can be intimidating. Where do you even begin?

Greater National Advocates is here to help! In this blog post, We'll walk you through the basics of starting a patient advocate business from scratch. It's a great way to use your professional skills in a new and exciting way. And best of all, you can work from anywhere!

Read on to find out how to start a patient advocate business!

1.How Do I Create a Patient Advocacy Business Plan?

When creating a patient advocacy business plan, it should be designed with the future in mind. But before anything else, remember that you are the boss – so take your time and make sure your business is exactly what you want it to be.

By taking the time to create a well-thought-out business plan, you'll be setting yourself up for success as you launch your patient advocacy business.

As such, here are a few key points to consider:

Identify Your Goals

You should always keep your long-term goals in mind and adjust your plan as you reach different milestones. There are several goals you might want to achieve, some of which include building a website, expanding your contact list, or even simply creating your Greater National Advocate profile.

But First, Decide What Your Mission and Values Are

Having said that, don't be afraid to change your mind about what you want your business to look like. But, most importantly, you should have a clear vision for your business and can articulate it to others.

Maintain a Realistic Perspective

The second important point is that you need to be realistic about the scope of your business. There are two main types of patient advocates: independent patient advocates who are hired directly by patients and families, and those who work for institutions like hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and insurance companies. If you're going the independent route, you should be realistic about the number of clients you can handle and the areas you can cover.

Partnership or Sole Proprietorship?

If you're thinking of how to start a patient advocate business, you might wonder if you should go it alone or team up with another professional health advocate. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages to both options.

Working by yourself gives you complete control over your business, but getting started can be lonely and more expensive.

In contrast, teaming up with another advocate — or multiple advocates — can help to offset costs and provide moral support. Still, it's essential to make sure that you are compatible with your partners and have complementary skills.

And if you have different specialties, you can refer patients to each other and add to each other’s skillsets.

You'll also need to decide what kind of business entity you want to create. You've got options like S-Corp, LLC, or LLP. But don't worry, your lawyer can help you figure out those details.

So whether you're the lone ranger type or the team player, there's a place for you in the patient advocacy world.

Ultimately, the best decision is the one that is right for you and your unique circumstances. So take some time to weigh your options and decide what will work best for you and your business.

Choosing Your Business Name

Choosing a name for your business is no small feat. After all, this is the moniker that will become synonymous with your brand. If you find yourself stuck, check out these tips to help choose the perfect patient advocacy business name.

First, think about what you want your business to represent. What are your values? What are your goals? Try to find a word or phrase that encapsulates all of this.

Next, do a Google search of the name and acronym to ensure there's no one else with the same name. You don't want to get lost in the shuffle because someone else has a similar name or website. In addition, you will need to check to see if the domain name (URL or web address) is available.

Finally, have fun with it! This is YOUR business, so make sure the name reflects YOU and what you want to accomplish with your patient advocacy services.

Having trouble when it comes to coming up with creative ideas? Try your luck with the many free business name generators available online.

Plan a Detailed Marketing Strategy

A marketing plan is vital for the success of any business, and a patient advocacy business is no exception.

In fact, given the relatively new nature of the field, it's even more important to have a detailed marketing strategy in place.

The first step is to come up with a brand identity. This will be the foundation of all your marketing materials, so it's important to get it right.

Once you have a strong branding strategy in place, you can start thinking about other marketing tactics that will help you reach your target audience, such as online advertising, PR, and events.

Hoping to avoid scouring the internet for advice on how to market your patient advocacy business and potentially come up empty-handed?

Well, you're in luck! Greater National Advocates offers a unique opportunity in that we will take the guesswork out of marketing your business to land the right clients. When you join our independent patient advocate directory, you're joining a leading resource for reaching prospective clients.

With a bit of planning and effort, you can develop a marketing strategy that will help you build a successful patient advocacy practice. So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and let us help you take your business to the next level!

Learn How to Use Social Media to Market Your Business

When starting your own business, you want potential customers and followers to see that you're a professional with a great product or service, which means you need to have an attractive and consistent social media presence.

This means using the same logo and slogan across all of your social media platforms and maintaining a similar aesthetic in your posts.

Another way to achieve this is by following other larger pages in your industry, as well as smaller accounts pages similar to yours that are just starting out.

Not only will this help you keep up with what's going on in your field, but it will also give you a chance to interact with other users by liking and commenting on their posts. This will show that you're active and engaged with the community.

Just don't go overboard — we don't recommend relentlessly spamming people's comments sections. In order to gain the trust of potential clients, you want to maintain a consistently professional brand identity.

By taking these steps, you can create a professional social media presence that will attract new followers and customers.

2. What Makes a Good Patient Advocate?

If you have ever had to deal with hospital bureaucracy, you know it can be a nightmare.

Appointments get canceled, test results get lost, and important information falls through the cracks.

A good patient advocate is a bit like a good attorney. They should be knowledgeable about healthcare processes and the codes of conduct, be able to navigate the bureaucracy, and have a healthy dose of tenacity.

They understand the ins and outs of the healthcare system and know how to get things done.

They are also good at communicating with both patients and doctors, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

But above all, they should be passionate about fighting for their client's rights to make sure that they receive the best possible care.

After all, advocacy is not just a job-- it's a calling.

Of course, advocacy is not always easy. It can be emotionally draining, and sometimes it feels like you're up against impossible odds.

But that's when you must dig deep and remember why you do this work.

Advocates must be passionate about their work and truly believe in the importance of their role in the healthcare system.

Because at the end of the day, you know that you are making a difference in people's lives. With these qualities, anyone can be a successful patient advocate.

3. How Do I Become an Independent Patient Advocate?

Becoming an independent patient advocate is not for the faint of heart. It takes passion, determination, and a whole lot of grit. But if you're up for the challenge, it can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.

Here's how to get started before joining our advocate directory:

1. Find your passion. What issues do you care about? What populations do you want to serve? There are many different ways to serve as an independent patient advocate, so find the one that fits you best.

2. Get educated. Get to know the issues you are passionate about. Read books, articles, and studies. Talk to experts. The more knowledgeable you are, the more effective you will be.

3. Get organized. Join or start a local or online support group. Volunteer for an organization. Attend rallies and protests. Speak out at city council meetings. The more involved you are, the greater impact you can have.

4. Be persistent. Never give up on your dream, even when it seems hopeless. Remember, every day is a new opportunity to make a difference. So keep fighting the good fight, and never give up hope that change is possible in the health care industry.

What Education Does a Patient Advocate Need?

A patient advocate is a professional who helps patients navigate the complex world of healthcare. To be effective, a patient advocate must have a deep understanding of the healthcare system and the ability to communicate clearly and compassionately with patients.

In terms of education, patient advocates typically have at least an associate's or bachelor's degree in a health-related field.

However, many advocates have advanced degrees, such as a master's in public health or a law degree.

And, an increasing number of independent patient advocates don’t have any formal background in healthcare. Instead, they are using skills they acquired caring for themselves or as a caregiver for family members.

In addition to formal education, advocates must stay up-to-date on changes in the healthcare system and understand the latest treatments and technologies.

As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, patient advocates must be lifelong learners to best serve their patients.

4. How to Advertise a Patient Advocate Business When Starting Out?

When it comes to advertising your patient advocate business, the sky's the limit.

As the owner of an independent patient advocate business with Greater National Advocates, you have the unique opportunity to advertise your services in ways other businesses could only dream of.

You will be discovered by clients in need when you join our advocate directory.

And while you should certainly take advantage of social media marketing, don't forget that you have the potential to reach a much wider audience through other channels.

The options are endless, and you can get as creative as you like.

For example, if you want to go the traditional route, you can try radio or TV ads. Or, if you're feeling especially ambitious, you could go for a billboard.

But if you really want to reach a wide audience, we recommend investing in Google Ads, where you can target specific demographics with laser-like precision.

No matter what channels you choose, remember that patient advocacy is all about helping others. Keep that in mind as you create your ads, and you're sure to attract the right clients for your business.

Just remember, whatever route you decide to go, Greater National Advocates will be there to help guide you along the way.

5. What Are The Pros and Cons of an Independent Patient Advocacy Business?

Being your own boss has a lot of pros — you set your own hours, determine your own rates, take on as many or as few clients as you want, and get to control your work/life balance.

But it also has some cons — like having to manage the emotional challenges that come with the job.

As an independent patient advocate, you'll be working with people who are generally in the midst of tragedies or very complex medical predicaments. It can be emotionally taxing to be constantly exposed to other people's pain and suffering.

Additionally, you'll need to be very organized and detail-oriented, as you'll coordinate care between multiple parties and keep track of important medical information.

However, as long as you are someone who faces challenges head-on and gets satisfaction from helping others navigate the often confusing and frustrating world of healthcare, then being an independent patient advocate could be the perfect career for you.

FAQs About the Patient Advocate Business

1. What are the skills required for a patient advocate?

Being an independent patient advocate is an excellent option for healthcare providers who want to venture into entrepreneurship.

However, being a successful patient advocate requires a very specific skill set.

First and foremost, you must be able to navigate the often complicated world of healthcare. Furthermore, independent patient advocates must have excellent people skills. They need to be able to maintain a positive attitude in the face of challenging situations and build rapport with both patients and medical professionals.

Finally, independent patient advocates must be highly organized and detail-oriented to manage their caseloads effectively. Your years as a medical professional have likely taught you many skills essential to being an independent patient advocate.

2. What are the risks of being a patient advocate?

Being a patient advocate can be an enriching experience. You get to help people navigate the confusing world of healthcare and ensure that they receive the best possible care in times of medical malfeasance or neglect.

However, there are also some risks associated with being a patient advocate.

First and foremost, you need to be aware of the potential for burnout if you overextend yourself as a new entrepreneur.

Oftentimes, advocates are juggling multiple clients with very complex needs. This can lead to long hours and a lot of stress.

Therefore, setting boundaries and ensuring you're taking care of yourself mentally and physically is crucial.

Additionally, patient advocates must be aware of potential conflicts of interest. For example, if you're advocating for a friend or family member, it's important to maintain a professional relationship and avoid getting too emotionally involved.

Finally, patient advocates need to respect their client's privacy and maintain confidentiality at all times. Being a patient advocate may not be the right fit if you're not comfortable with these risks.

3. What are the duties of a patient advocate?

A patient advocate is a voice for the patient, particularly those dealing with chronic or terminal illness and catastrophic, life-changing injuries.

In many ways, a patient advocate serves as a bridge between the patient and the health care system, ensuring that the patient receives the best possible care.

Also, they offer emotional support to patients and their families, assisting them in understanding and coping with difficult diagnoses.

In addition, patient advocates often serve as vital liaisons between patients and their care teams in cases of suspected medical malpractice, coordinating appointments, and communicating test results.

And while it is a demanding job, it is also rewarding.

After all, there is no greater satisfaction than knowing that you have made a difference in someone's life.

In a nutshell

Are you ready to take your career in healthcare to the next level?

If you answered yes and want to take control of your career and legacy, sign up with Greater National Advocates and learn how to start a patient advocate business today.

Our free online directory will give you the access and resources you need to get started on this exciting new path and put you in touch with patients and loved ones who need your help.

With our highly visible public service platform, you can reach thousands of people monthly.

So what are you waiting for? Get started now!