Do You See the Value of an Independent Cancer Care Nurse Advocate?

Our team works very hard for our clients diagnosed with cancer. I am proud of our team and, more importantly, of our impact. Because folks often don’t understand our work and how we add value, we thought we might share with you some case examples of our impact:
We saved just over $100K of medical bills for the family of a 28-year-old who recently passed from melanoma. Much time and energy was put into resolving these bills on our family’s behalf; we are very thankful for your teams’ efforts and for providing our family peace of mind.
Because of our hard work, we significantly contributed to extending a client’s life with colon cancer by 1.5 years by educating him and his family so they were well-positioned to make informed decisions, monitored and guided throughout each phase of care, and responsible for connecting him to an expert in specialty surgery and clinical trial opportunities. We supported, monitored, and addressed several issues by advocating for excellent care utilizing our years of experience with our collaborative skillset.
Lasr year, we corrected five wrong diagnoses (two lung, one biliary, and two colon cancers) and two significant medication errors (wrong pain medication dosing, wrong oral chemo dose). By identifying these errors, we either facilitated having these corrected or professionally navigated clients to the providers who treated the patients for the correct diagnosis and stage. ~74% of cancer patients do not seek second opinions – please, please do so.
We saved just over $100K of medical bills for the family of a 28-year-old who recently passed from melanoma.
We have avoided thousands of dollars of emergency visits with our virtual engagement platform while proactively addressing issues through communicating with providers or providing self-management strategies to manage side effects.
Our case review and proactive engagement rectified a mistake that saved a man the pain of waiting six weeks due to a missed lab critical to his diagnostic workup before his prostate biopsy. He recently shared these words:
Beacon Advocates streamlined and obtained/shared my medical records with my doctors and set up critical appointments at our nearby Cancer Center within one week; this was after my local urologist told me 6 to 7 weeks would be the soonest to get into that Center.
Before meeting with the providers at the Cancer Center, I was provided with questions I should consider by my nurse, which helped me prepare for all the new acronyms, diagnostic processes, treatment options, etc. It was daunting when I started this journey, and having Beacon Advocates in my corner has made all the difference to my wife and myself.
What has impressed me is that Beacon Advocates has always left me in the “driver’s seat” while they have helped with timely navigation and support on this journey, and I cannot imagine the stresses and strain without them. Their involvement has allowed me to continue as an effective executive through this challenging time. Thank you to my team at Beacon !!!