Health Inequities and Social Isolation: Dangerous Comorbidities
Imagine you notice symptoms of the COVID-19 virus and are afraid you won’t get adequate care because you are a minority? The pandemic has highlighted the disparity in access to healthcare in minority communities and emphasized that this population...
Take Advantage of Your MA or MAPD Benefits
Many seniors have what is called a Medicare Advantage Plan MA (most have Prescription Drug plans included MAPD) but never really take full advantage of all the benefits of the plan. Especially now during this COVID-19, shelter in place, isolation...
Now’s the Time to Get Your Healthcare Affairs in Order
For many of us, the uncertainty and social isolation caused by the COVID-19 outbreak has brought to the forefront what’s most important in life: human connection and our loved ones. In light of this reminder, now is the perfect time to make sure...
Healthy Sleep Tips During The Covid-19 Pandemic
A good night’s sleep is a very important component in maintaining health. Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, causing you to wake up throughout the night and not be able to get back to sleep. With our current...
What Behavioral Health Can Do Now to Respond to COVID-19
Guest Blog: Amanda Latimore, Ph.D., social epidemiologist and faculty at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Behavioral health systems should prepare now for what may be our new normal. Communities are rapidly ramping up social...
Boosting Immunity in the Age of COVID-19
Guest Blog: Courtesy of Society of Certified Senior Advisors There are several things you can do to help your body fight off exposure to any virus or bacteria, including the coronavirus. We all know to wash hands for at least 20 seconds and...
The New Telehealth
Guest Blog: Monahan Law Group, LLC Chicago, Illinois As the nation grapples with a public health response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Telehealth has emerged as one of the most prominent “tools in the toolbox” to ensure access to care for individuals...
Surviving Loneliness in the Wake of COVID-19
Our country has taken drastic but necessary measures to protect our citizens from COVID-19. This has left many people dealing with unfamiliar feelings of isolation and loneliness. Sadly, our senior population—who combat these feelings anyway—is...
Patient Advocates and COVID-19: Does HIPAA Still Matter?
It goes without saying that within the last couple of weeks our world has been turned upside down as a result of the COVID-19 virus. Once the initial shock wears off, however, we realize that life still goes on and we need to adapt to new norms as...
Caregiving is hard...And you're not a failure if you need help.
You feel like a failure. Why can't you do it all? That seems ridiculous when you read it, but when you feel it, it seems valid and you feel like a failure. Caregiving is hard work. Whether you are simply driving for your loved one now or sitting...
Patient Advocacy and Are You Informed?
How do you become informed? The CT SCAN was clean!!!! No lesions, tumors, or enlarged lymph nodes seen (except the orange-sized mass on my left ovary, of course). Again, not a guarantee, but that was really, really good news. My business partner...
Patient Advocacy & TMI (Too Much Information)
Remember the TMI warning? It’s about to get real. There is a lot of examining, testing and scanning. All this testing began when I went to see my GYN doctor because I was having this very clear, slightly pink vaginal discharge. Not normal, but I...
Patient Advocacy & an Ovarian Mass
Yes- I am now the patient. In September of 2018, an ultra-sound of my pelvis revealed a mass/cyst (it’s both) the size of an orange in and around my left ovary. I was immediately referred to a GYN/ONCOLOGIST who basically told me that based on my...
What's an "Elder Orphan," "Solo Ager," or "Solo"?
The term Elder Orphan refers to a growing demographic within our aging population. Rising in number, this fast-growing segment is garnering the attention of the nation. A working definition of this growing population is: “Elder Orphans or Solos...
Surprise Medical Bills and Balance Billing.... or Just Billed?
When you go to a hospital that is In-Network it only seems natural to think that everyone you work with at the hospital is covered within the facility. However, that is not the case. Clients have even come to me where they received medically...