| by Kenneth Klein

Credit Reporting Rules Have Changed-How Might This Affect You.

  Free Credit Reports By law, everyone is entitled to one free credit report every 12 months from each of the three credit reporting agencies. In 2020, given the effects of Covid on the economy, the three agencies agreed to temporarily make...
| by Kristy Dalechek-Shell

Bridging the Gap: How a Healthcare Advocate May Have Helped in the “Take Care of Maya” Case

You may have watched the Netflix special “Take Care of Maya” or saw the recent $211 Million dollar judgement against John Hopkins Hospital. As a nurse that started her career in a children’s hospital and is now a healthcare...
| by Carolyn Trend

Staying Young When You Are Getting Old(er)

We celebrated my father’s 85th birthday earlier this year. Just about everyone who meets my dad makes the same remark: “He is a really GOOD 85.” (My mom also gets frequent, well-deserved props for being an equally impressive...
| by Alan Feren

How to Become an Active Partner in Your Health Care Journey in 10 Easy Steps

Collaboration between patients and medical professionals is at the heart of achieving optimal health outcomes. As a patient, you hold a pivotal role in your own healthcare. Building a genuine partnership necessitates mutual effort and...
| by Karen Mercereau

Mercereau Report #9 - The More Information You Have, the Safer and Healthier You Can Be!

This is the ninth in a series of blogs written by patient advocacy pioneer and longtime educator, Karen Mercereau. The Mercereau Report is designed to communicate information that is pertinent to our expanding practices - scientific and practical...
| by Sylvia Reisman


Maya Kowalski is a complex medical case. She is one of millions of patients who suffer from a chronic, complex health condition. You may already be familiar with Maya’s case though the Netflix documentary: “Take Care of Maya.&rdquo...
| by Kristy Dalechek-Shell

October-Health Literacy Month

October isn’t just about turning leaves, pumpkins spice lattes and mammograms (although those are important too).  October is Health Literacy Month. Health literacy might not be a term that everyone is familiar with, but it is a crucial...
| by Alan Feren

What Gaslighting Is, How to Recognize It, and What Next to Do

I’m sorry, but I can’t find anything wrong with you. Are you sure about all these symptoms? It’s probably just your body’s reaction to the stress from these years of the pandemic?" Or, Well, I really don’t think...
| by Alan Feren

What's Being Done to Finally Address The High Cost of Prescription Medications

Until 2003, Medicare covered most hospital and doctor visits for the elderly, but it did not cover the ever-growing costs of prescription medications. Former President George W. Bush changed that when he signed a law adding prescription drug...
| by Angie Galatas

The Future Of AI And Patient Advocacy: A New Era in Healthcare

In today’s rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, the role of patient advocates has become increasingly vital. We offer unwavering support and guidance to ensure patients receive the best possible care. As technology continues to...
| by Bonnie Brown

The Rippling Effects of Patient Advocacy

I received a wonderful message the other day that reminded me of the incredible power of Patient Advocacy. It came from a client of mine, named Barb, who turned her father's end-of-life experience into a beautiful testament to how the simple words...
| by Alan Feren

Medical Transparency - A Double-Edged Sword?

EditorsNote: Alan Feren M.D. FACS  is a1970 Graduate of Tufts University School of Medicine with more than 50 years of experience as a practicing physician and surgeon, medical treatment guidelines author, medical director, chief medical...
| by Rebeka Acosta

What To Do When Your Patient Has a Health Advocate

Originally published by A+J Patient AdvocacyAs the bottom line continues its stronghold on the U.S. healthcare system, more and more patients are choosing to work with independent health advocates.It has become increasingly clear in recent years...
| by Karen Mercereau

Mercereau Report #8: Science News for You to Stay Safe!

This is the seventh in a series of blogs written by Karen Mercereau, RN, iRNPA. The goal of the Mercereau Report is to communicate information that is pertinent to our expanding practices. This edition of the Mercereau Report covers some safety...
| by Dr Elena Borrelli

How a Private Patient Advocate Can Help With an Aging Parent

Trying to navigate and assist an aging parent can be an overwhelming task. Aside from trying to manage your busy lifestyle, you also are trying to adapt to the changes that your parents are experiencing both physically as well as emotionally. As a...